by Kitty Cat Now New Orleans | Jul 9, 2020 | Boat Party
There’s nothing quite like self imposed isolation that makes you long for the brisk nautical air. That seems to envelop every part of you; the solace one finds on the open water Is an experience few can describe in mere words! At Kitty Cat Now we’re of the belief any...
by Kitty Cat Now New Orleans | Apr 18, 2019 | Bachelor party, Stripper
The Pagan ritual of the Spring Equinox is a celebration of renewed life and the change that comes with spring. Throughout history, this turn in the seasons has been celebrated by various cultures that held solar festivals in honor of their Goddesses. Easter takes its...
by Kitty Cat Now New Orleans | Apr 11, 2019 | Bachelor party
Emerging from the cold of winter, spring welcomes in warmer weather, April and May showers, budding trees but most of all it means that wedding season is officially in full swing. After the drab loneliness of winter, your friends will be busting at the seams to get...